artist bio tiakoolartist

About emerging artist, Tia Koulianos

“As a lifelong creative in a chronically ill body, my journey has taken many turns and just as many pauses.”

I have spent decades finding my voice and my true path towards joy. Through spirituality and various healing processes I am slowly finding my way. I move very differently through the world and I am at a place where I know that I can work in a way (albeit slowly) that is harmonious for me.

I believe that everyone is capable of fulfilling their purpose no matter what their health status may be. And even though most of my years were of me telling myself that I wasn’t really an artist, I have surrendered to my truth. I am an artist.

Most days, I am at rest and I work and paint when I am able. I wish it were daily but for me I am at peace knowing that there is no deadline, no schedule. I find alignment wherever I am. And this is beautiful. To me, the point is joy. And how do we get there? What does that look like to each of us? This is the question that interests me most. No two paths are alike. Nor should they be.

I have done much wonderful spiritual work and through meditation and healing practices and I find myself surrendering more and more into my artistic voice. Freedom is my mantra. And as I develop this new body of work I find that I am finding more of that elusive freedom that I desire most.

“Follow the Lines…” represents a total abandon of the structure I once felt was so critical. And I am finding connection and joy through the beauty of the abstract figure through drawing and painting. In what ways are we connected? How do we love one another? Can we impact change through the world by feeling alone? What unique lines and colors identify each of us? And how are we intertwined. These are my questions with this body of work. Because healing one another through these connections are the things that can bring about change.

I was recently told that the lines and forms in this body of work feel like looking at a map. This is something that resonated deeply for me. One drawing/painting can represent an entire universe of connections.

It’s not always about technical drawing and proportion but rather a fluid means to connect spiritually to the Cosmos and to each other. And this is what speaks to me today, more than trying to fit into a mold of other artists whom I adore, but rather finding my own language that is coded with love.

My spiritual exploration with this work is a continuation of past work, using frequencies and “light codes” to bring about harmonious healing and connection. It is my connection with Source that I love the most and dare to share with you. Energy is eternal and sacred. And my work is a reflection on how I view the sacred connections of you and I, together.

For Artists looking for community building and resources unlike any other, consider joining me in the Art Queens Society hosted by the brilliant Ekaterina Popova of Create Magazine! I am blessed and enriched by the content in this community and the endless abundance of resources and courses for artists. Come and have a look around and use my link for a 20% discount on eligible offers. For offers with multiple payments or subscriptions the discount will be applied for every payment!

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